CRYPTO SCAMMERS from North Macedonia! Facebook sponsored advertising links to a fictitious Reporting Democracy interview featuring a well-known North Macedonian football player, all in an attempt to trick viewers into handing over their personal information to a cryptocurrency fraud.FAKE articles posing as authentic websites are being directed at North Macedonian social media users in an…

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WHAT about hacking $235 million?

WazirX, an Indian cryptocurrency exchange, has revealed a strategy to lessen the impact of a recent attack that cost the company almost $235 million. The exchange introduced a “socialized loss strategy” in response to the hack, which compromised 45% of user cash, in an effort to preserve platform stability and provide what it says a…

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Asia’s rising influence

Asia has at least three factors, besides market trends and a sizable population, to merit becoming the global hub for the web3 and cryptocurrency businesses.More info abouth this: https://crypto.news/cryptos-new-epicenter-asias-rising-influence/ As US legal concerns force enterprises eastward, Asia is emerging as the core of the cryptocurrency industry. Numerous companies have begun to pull out and search…

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2010 When Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer, spent 10,000 bitcoin for two Papa John’s pizzas that were delivered on May 22, Bitcoin made history. Back then, the two pizzas were worth roughly $40; at the current bitcoin price, that transaction would be worth almost $660 million. WOOOW !!! Not too long afterward, Tokyo-based Bitcoin exchange Mt….

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